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Why Healthcare Organizations Should Pursue a Multi-Cloud Strategy

November 17, 2023

Why Healthcare Organizations Should Pursue a Multi-Cloud Strategy

Today’s healthcare organizations have more technology options than ever before, including on-premises infrastructure (cloud edge), public cloud, and private cloud. In an era dominated by digital transformation, healthcare organizations find themselves at a critical juncture. The demand for seamless, efficient, and secure healthcare services is higher than ever, necessitating a radical shift in how these organizations approach their IT infrastructure.

One strategy gaining significant traction is the adoption of a multi-cloud approach. This article explores why healthcare organizations should embrace a multi-cloud strategy to propel them into the future. However, no single solution is ideal for every workload. So, how should healthcare organizations approach the delicate balance between public, private, and multi-cloud environments?

Implementing a multi-cloud strategy in healthcare, which involves utilizing the services of multiple cloud providers to manage various aspects of IT infrastructure and applications, brings several advantages. Firstly, it enhances resilience and redundancy by distributing workloads across different cloud platforms, ensuring continued operations even in the face of service outages or downtime from one provider. This approach minimizes the risk of a single point of failure.

Moreover, a multi-cloud strategy addresses the critical issues of data security and compliance. Healthcare organizations can choose cloud providers that align with regulatory requirements and data residency laws, incorporating additional layers of security and reducing the overall risk of a security breach.

Cost optimization is another key benefit. Leveraging the strengths of different clouds allows organizations to develop the “right workload” approach, in many cases leveraging service providers to manage these elements, which reduces the complexity for the administrators locally. Additionally, a multi-cloud approach fosters innovation and the adoption of best-of-breed solutions. Different cloud providers excel in various technologies or services, allowing healthcare organizations to choose the most suitable cloud service for each application. This flexibility facilitates the incorporation of emerging technologies and innovations into healthcare operations.

Scalability and performance are also enhanced, as healthcare workloads can vary in resource requirements and performance needs. Organizations can dynamically scale resources based on specific workload demands and select cloud providers that offer optimal performance for particular applications.

For disaster recovery and business continuity, a multi-cloud architecture enables organizations to replicate and back up data across different providers, ensuring quick recovery in case of data loss or system failures. This approach contributes to a robust business continuity plan, minimizing disruptions during unforeseen events.

Moreover, a multi-cloud strategy provides flexibility and vendor independence. Healthcare organizations can adapt to changing technological landscapes by choosing the most suitable cloud provider for each use case and easily switching providers if needed. This flexibility reduces dependence on a single vendor, mitigating risks associated with changes in pricing, service offerings, or vendor relationships.

In summary, adopting a multi-cloud strategy in healthcare offers a comprehensive range of benefits, including increased resilience, enhanced security, and compliance, cost optimization, access to innovative solutions, improved scalability, robust disaster recovery, and greater flexibility in adapting to evolving business and technology requirements.

As a result, it can be invaluable to partner with an experienced third-party managed cloud provider with the expertise and resources to guide healthcare organizations in adopting a strategic multi-cloud strategy that aligns with their specific needs and regulatory obligations. Security is a particular benefit for those moving from on-premises to a managed private cloud because it provides a level of security investment that may not have been affordable for a healthcare organization independently. With the right strategy and management practices in place, a multi-cloud approach can give healthcare organizations the flexibility and control they need to support digital transformation in a cost-effective way.

Mike Donahue, vice president, client services, CloudWave